Destiny 2 lightfall dlc
Destiny 2 lightfall dlc

destiny 2 lightfall dlc

What was the last time Bungie delivered a Vanguard/Crucible/Gambit set that looked decent? Forsaken, 5 years ago? And they say that no one uses those sets. Or the vendor refresh for Lightfall, now cancelled. They kill the fucking mode and pretend they are surprised at engagement numbers. Sure a 2018 map will save the mode, Bungie.

destiny 2 lightfall dlc

Gambit players are being punished once more for having some standard and not playing the mode without any support. Gambit has been abandoned and they know it. I used to grind the strike playlist all day long in D1, I just can't come near it in current D2 because there are no meaningful rewards. Good for them the "population is stable" so they don't have to put some effort like strike specific loot. Congratulations to keeping up with Rise of Iron, Bungie. Medals on strikes? What year is this? 2016? Rise of Iron came out 7 fucking years ago. If they want to drop the PvP they should do it and stop running around people who actually like the PvP. You don't need do that to admit you're understaffed. Also, pitting the demands of new maps against the production of new activities and exotic missions? They just wanted to put more fire in the "rivalry" between PvE and PvP. I've been playing since launch, I'm not by any means a hardcore PvP player, but them saying new maps is a hardcore player demand doesn't bode well. I was not expecting anything good from this State of the Game, and yet I left disappointed.

Destiny 2 lightfall dlc