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Nothing to commit, working tree clean git status -ignored

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Repository activity reflects action taken in the repository currently open in focus. Refer to your Repository log to increase your project scope as a greater source of truth of your Git activity such as: fetch, push, merge, etc. The Problem is with Git Kraken GUI that shows logo.txt and public.txt as Unstaged Files like any other unignored files BUT the storage.txt is not there! git status The Repository tab in Activity Logs contains logged messages of Git operations taken while working with your repository. According to the 2021 Accelerate State of DevOps Report, elite performers are 3.4 times more likely to incorporate database change.


(note that I added some junk *.txt files to check gitignore works properly) └── storageĮverything seems working fine my *.txt files are ignored and untracked which is the intended purpose. Enterprise companies (1,001+ employees) Liquibase is a database change management tool that helps teams release software faster and safer by bringing the database change process into existing CI/CD automation. The way I want to do this is by adding nested. I want to keep my folder structure under version control. Find everything you need to learn Git, including: a Git commands cheat sheet, Git tutorials, Git definitions, Git best practices & solutions to Git problems.

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